Taira no Nobusue (平信季)

TAIRA no Nobusue (1144-August 12, 1179) was a government official (esp. one of low to medium rank) who lived in the end of the Heian period. He was the fifth son of TAIRA no Nobunori. His mother was a daughter of FUJIWARA no Yoshitada (Shonagon (lesser councilor of state)). His children were TAIRA no Chikasuke (an adopted son of TAIRA no Nobumoto) and TAIRA no Nobumune.

He was assigned to Koto (a secretary) of Motozane KONOE Mandokoro (Administrative Board) in 1157, became Rokui Kurodo (Chamberlain with Sixth Rank) in 1160 and assigned to Sahyoe no shojo (Third-ranked Assistant Officer of Sahyoe-fu, the Left Division of Middle Palace Guards) as an additional post in the following year. In 1163, he was conferred to Jugoinoge (Junior Fifth Rank, Lower Grade). In 1166 he was assigned to Gyobu Gon no taifu (Provisional Senior Assistant Minister of Justice) instead of his father's resignation of Sakyo no gon no daibu (Provisional Master of the Eastern Capital Offices). In 1169 he was conferred to Jugoinojo (Junior Fifth Rank, Upper Grade). On July 11, 1172, his name first appeared as Shonagon ("Gyokuyo" (The Diary of Kanezane KUJO)), date of the assignment was not clear). In 1174 he was assigned to Keishi (household superintendent) of Kanezane KUJO and assigned to Nagato no Gon no kami (Provisional Governor of Nagato Province) as an additional post in the same year. In 1177 he was conferred to Shogoinoge (Senior Fifth Rank, Lower Grade). In the section of February 20, in this year in "Gyokuyo," there is a description that he was Nenyo (functionaries who during this time took the responsibility for running the actual affairs of the various central government offices) of Naeozane KUJO's Mandokoro. However, in the Jisho era he often became ill, so that other persons were in charge of bugyo (magistrate) for kasuga no saishi (the envoy in the Kasuga festival) of Yoshimichi KUJO (the second son of Kanezane) in 1178 and genpuku (celebrate one's coming of age) of Yoshitsune KUJO (the third son of Kanezane) in 1179 instead of him. In the section of August 7, 1179 in "Gyokuyo," there is a description that when Kanazane sent a messenger to visit him, it was reported that he had given all documents of the family to his legitimate son Nobumune (because he did not have much time). Soon after that, he fell critically ill and died on August 12.

He was deeply relied on by Kanezane KUJO and played a role as his close adviser as he was lent TAIRA no Yukichika's diary held by Kanezane (in the section of December 31, 1176 in "Gyokuyo"). However, since he died before Kanezane was assigned to Sekkan (regents and advisers), he had to be under the rank of Shogoinoge.

[Original Japanese]